Чт. Сен 5th, 2024

Рубрика: Медицинские

Harry B. Skinner

CURRENT ESSENTIALS ORTHOPEDICS. Harry B. Skinner, MD, PhD. Michael Fitzpatrick, MD, 2008. – 286 p. download

Ramanjit Sihota

Parsons’ Diseases of the Eye. 23RD EDITION. Editors Ramanjit Sihota, MD, DipNB, FRCOphth, FRCSEd – , 2019. – 1576 p. download

The Wills Eye

The Wills Eye Manual Office and Emergency Room Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Disease EIGHTH EDITION, 2022. – 1208 p.  download     

Social Medicine

Review of Preventive and Social Medicine (Including Biostatistics), 2015. – 957 p. download

Ronny  Cheung

100 Cases in Paediatrics. Second edition.Ronny  Cheung BMBCh MA MRCPCH PgDipMedEd, 2017. – 350 p. download

Helen A. Brough

Rapid Paediatrics and .Child Health. Helen A. Brough Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Allergy and SpR Paediatrics and Child Health. Ram Nataraja SpR Paediatric Surgery. Second Edition, 2010. – 281 p.…