Ср. Июл 3rd, 2024


Май 2, 2022

Library Director: Kultaeva Roza Tazhimyrzaevna

Address: 720908, Kyrgyz Republic, Jalal-Abad,  T.Bayzakov Avenue 25

Phone: (03722) 2-39-37

Website: http://jasulib.org.kg



With the creation of JASU, on April 2, 1993, the Centralized Library of JASU (CL) was founded.

From 06.12. 2000, the JASU Central Library was renamed the Central Scientific Library (CSL), and from 02.01. 2007 the CSL was renamed the Library and Information Center (LIC).

Since 06.30. 2022, the LIC JASU has been renamed the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center(scientific library).

Every year, the library fund is completed together with the departments, on the basis of applications submitted by departments in the specialties included in the estimate of the application of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) for the purchase of books, information and electronic resources, periodicals, based on thematic plans corresponding to state educational standards, in accordance with the established procedure by the university administration.

The total book fund of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) of JASU is 773314 copies.

Of these: Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) in Jalal-Abad — the total fund is 631244 copies. educational and methodical, scientific books, publica-tions and other information resources, in traditional and electronic form. The main part is educa-tional literature in the amount of 227036 copies, of which 23201 are electronic resources, fiction literature 29647 copies, abstracts 13426 copies, methodological, scientific literature and other information resources 337874 copies.

 Every year, the fund purchases more than 3360 copies of books, various types of publications, electronic resources, of which more than 2789 copies. come from charitable foundations and through volunteer assistance.

A unique book fund of Azamat Altai (Kudaibergen Kozhomberdiev) has been formed in the library, a club of Azamat Altai has been organized, a fund of patent literature and documentation in the field of intellectual property has been created.

Every year, the Fund of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (Scientific Library) JASU subscribes to periodicals of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, more than 73 newspapers and magazines are received.

From September 1, 2006 to March 31, 2010, the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) took part in the implementation of the International United Europroject: “Exchange of Library and Information Resources between University Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (KYRLIBNET)”.

 As a result of the project, 3 modern departments were created in the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) of JASU:

  • Department of Bibliography and Electronic Documentation
  • Center for Education and Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information (TSORNTI)
  • Department of electronic document delivery and management information system (ED and MIS) MBA — T -SYSTEM — electronic document delivery system

As part of the European project, trainers and librarians were trained and trained, as a result, 25 librarians and IT specialists of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) of JASU underwent training internships in the EU and on the basis of KSTU. I. Razzakov, Bishkek. The Web-platform of the project www.kyrlibnet.kg is functioning.

  To train users, the following MODULES of training courses of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center  (scientific library) have been developed:

  • Copyright (developed within the European project)
  • WEB 2.0 in the library (developed within the European project)
  • Basics of working with library resources, for freshmen
  • Modern library, for library staff
  • Information resources for research activities, for graduate students, young teachers and undergraduates
  • Electronic library (developed within the European project), where more than 1899users of the university and from other universities, colleges of Jalal-Abad study during the year.

The Association of Electronic Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (23 members) — AELK was established, including the library JASU is a member of AELK, and the founder of the association, registration number of the certificate AELK No. 117355-3301-OYUL, CODE OKPO 27489963, TIN 01506201110228, Bishkek 15. 06. 2011 Series GRU No. 002858).

With the financial support of the European project, the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) is equipped with 28 computers, 2 computer servers, MFP (scanner + printer + copier) -1 «Epson» projector-1, provided with a new version of the ABS program «IRBIS- 64».

Today the scientific library has: 18 computers (16 computers purchased as part of the Europroject, 9 for readers), 1 projector board, 1 scanner, 1 Samsung copier, 2 mobile boards for readers.

Since 2006, an electronic catalog has been functioning in the library. An electronic catalog (EC) provides access to the resources of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library).

In 2006, the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) acquired 2 IRBIS-32 ABS systems with a grant from the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, in 2011, the KYRLIBNET European project grant was provided with 5 programs of the IRBIS-64 ABS system.

                    The electronic catalog of the fund accounting is maintained according to the following databases:

  • DB-LIC-Books
  • DB -TPPS-Proceedings of the teaching staff JASU
  • DB-PIJ- Periodicals
  • DB-ARJ- Author’s abstracts
  • DB-KP-Kyrgyzpatent
  • BD-VO- Higher Education
  • BD-KG- Kyrgyzstan
  • DB-JAL-Jalal-Abad
  • DB-CHA-Chyngyz Aitmatov
  • DB- SPPS- Articles PPC JASU
  • DB -BDCD-CDs
  • BD-NDOKR- Normative legal documents of education of the Kyrgyz Republic

In 2007, the own website of the Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (scientific library) of  JASU was developed, from April 1, 2022, the WEB site was updated and expanded – www.jasulib.org.kg

                                                                                          Library structure:

  • Department of Electronic Catalog and Development of Information Resources (ECRIR)
  • Department of Bibliography and Electronic Documentation (BED)
  • Center for Education and Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information (TSORNTI)
  • Department of Electronic Document Delivery and Management Information System (EDD and MIS) – MBA
  • Service department: 3 educational subscriptions, 1 fiction subscription, 5 reading halls with 500 seats, 2 electronic halls and 1 library. paragraph.

                                                                              The staff of the library is 18 people

       Educational and scientific library and information center (scientific library) JASU has 5 branches at faculties in the peripheries:

  • Kochkor-Ata College;
  • Maili-Suu College;
  • Tash-Kumyr Engineering and Pedagogical Institute;
  • Kara-Kul College
  • Aksy College named after. T. Bekbolotova

Every year, the Scientific Library serves 3538 readers using a single library card, issues more than 344817 books and magazines per year, and is visited by more than 164783 users per year.

                                                                                      Priority areas of work:

  • quality acquisition of the fund;
  • information support of the educational process and scientific research;
  • the use of computer technology in meeting the information needs of library users.

                The electronic library is formed in the following areas:

  • creation of a collection of full-text textbooks on disciplines taught at the university;
  • creation of links to International Databases (IB);
  • organizing and providing users with an electronic fund of educational literature;
  • creation of a full-text collection of works of university staff;
  • subscription to full-text remote access databases;
  • creation of a full-text collection of articles of the Bulletin of JASU.

The Educational and Scientific Library and Information Center (Scientific Librar JASU is a member of the International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (ELNIT), the Library and Information Consortium of Kyrgyzstan (BIC), as well as the Association of Electronic Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (AELK).

Research library staff constantly take an active part in international conferences, forums, competitions and seminars on librarianship.